Embracing Vulnerability

Embracing Vulnerability

What If Vulnerability Is the Secret Ingredient?  Vulnerability—feeling tender and exposed—is often not easy. Our ego, after all, is hardwired to avoid pain, not fucking run right into it! Often I find the more I grow the more I require large daily doses of Fierce...
Your Truth

Your Truth

Act from your place of truth and live from your place of truth.Finally it is January 1 the day millions and millions of us have perhaps been dreading, fearing, and bracing ourselves for. We knew this day would always come and here it is. This is a sacred day of many...
The Mindfulness of Interruptions

The Mindfulness of Interruptions

I went to Mindfulness Meditation yesterday at The Center in Palos, IL. Mindfulness Meditation is a group that meets on Sunday mornings to practice mindfulness. It is the practice of being present to what is in our lives with kindness and curiosity. The group provides...
My Homework, My Homework! (Oh My, Oh My)

My Homework, My Homework! (Oh My, Oh My)

Warning this post contains information about Shamanism and Soul Parts Retrieval, and might peak your curiosity.Tomorrow is my session with my Shaman. For those who aren’t familiar, a Shaman is someone who is trained and gifted with the ability to walk in both worlds,...