In the spiritual world the rules are much different. In our physical world we often want assurances in place before we take the first leap. We often want to know the outcome beforehand to make sure it will be worth our time and energy. We want to control what happens. We want to understand it before we follow through with our part. That never happens. Never ever happens. I know, it is a hard spiritual truth. This is the age-old battle between the mind and the intuition. You know the story. You have lived it and so have I. Can you guess which wins?
Intuition wins every time. Intuition keeps score and leads us over and over and over and when we don’t listen or follow through it comes in to kick our ass. When we have been stagnant somewhere or in something for TOO long the Universe comes with its secret weapons – Upheaval. The Divine Deconstruction. It moves what has been Stuck for too fucking long. Delivered through the sacred channels of The unexpected, unpredictable, the unknown, the uncertain. Those ingredients are very uncomfortable yet they form the Raw ingredients for the Miracles we have prayed for. Like a storm with intensity, challenges and change unexpectedly and abruptly there is movement, release and rebalancing.
After the storm we can become engulfed in the pain, loss and aftermath. Without adequate holding, support and guidance we can miss altogether what this WAS teaching us on the spiritual path in the first place. Unconsciously repeating the pattern again and again. Also amplifying the level of intensity the Divine has to use to open us up next time.
When that happens we can feel confused, shocked, angry, sad and betrayed. We can get stuck thinking this wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Feeling this isn’t what we expected. Life is Never the way we expected. It is Never the way we imagined. It is the way the Divine intended. We all have a Divine Destiny. A powerful and greater purpose within each of us. These fierce initiations are necessary to realign ourselves when we have strayed too far from our path.
I created The Radiant Circle specifically to provide a safe haven and solid guidance to help you manage the transitions and the initiations so you can leap from what happened fully into what is next as it becomes ready. Even as we don’t know where it is leading. All of your spiritual guides know and that becomes enough.
In the Radiant circle you will learn how to work with these powerful divine forces. The raw power of transformation that is already showing up in your life. Although we may not welcome them at first, we can know that because it’s underlying purpose is being initiated by wild wisdom and divine love, with adequate support, we can learn to lean into what shows up. Understanding that what shows up is helping us to develop our fierce courage and unconditional trust. Understanding it is showing up to create greater liberation from what has been stagnating or stealing our precious energy. So that we can move with the changes taking place within and around us so we can eventually recognise the blessings awaiting to transform our lives for the better. You will thank your spiritual guides later, much later, as well as, receive the clarity and connect the dots. The higher understanding will come, but it will never come first. Trust comes first. Action comes first.
Trust is a hard one we all struggle with. Unconditional trust is developed overtime through lots of practice. There are no short cuts on the spiritual path and there are fast forwards. These fast forwards can move us to feel more alive, aligned, centered, joyful and free. There is no limit to what you can create from that powerful place. Are you ready?